Paper Custom Search

this search is special search to make more easy to search a reseach paper. the search result is design to return a pdf format.

How To Used this Search

just write the title of the paper, the system will search paper in pdf format
tips : if the paper that you search for is in this posting, just copy-paste the title of paper to search area to search the paper

An Automatic Linking Service of Document Images Reducing the Effects of OCR Errors with Latent Semantics

Renato F. Bulcão-Neto, Innolution Sistemas de Informática, Brazil
José A. Camacho-Guerrero, Innolution Sistemas de Informática, Brazil
Alvaro Barreiro, University of A Coruña, Spain
Javier Parapar, University of A Coruña, Spain
Alessandra A. Macedo, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil